Category: News

  • Melomane!


    I’ve enjoyed working with Apollo, the music charity in Birmingham over the last couple of years. The Apollo Academy Youth Orchestra is once again setting forth with a wonderful plan – to gather musicians of all standards and stripes for a play day. You can sign up to join us here. There is plenty of…

  • Brass Band Play Day

    Brass Band Play Day

    Join Steve Pritchard-Jones and the wonderful West Midlands Police Band as they lead an open day of playing a selection of band pieces at St Matthew’s Church this May. Members of my band, Great Barr Brass, also play with the police band, and there’s an outside chance I’ll be picking up a trombone and playing…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!

    We made it. Only a week to the end of the calendar year, and no more Sundays before 2023. Happy New Year to you all too. And if you enjoy that kind of thing, here’s my Christmas song for this year:

  • Inheritance


    Whose shoulders do you stand on? When I was five, my Grandad’s piano was a thing of continuing fascination. I’d been smacking the keys randomly since I could reach it, and they lived only a three minute walk from my own home. But I was beginning to experiment with pressing notes in sequence and trying…

  • Community Choir

    Community Choir

    As part of my work for St Matthew’s Church, I run a community choir on Wednesday evenings at 19:30. We meet in the church centre (St Matthew’s Close, on the right as you enter the close) in the Main Hall and we share a hot drink and chocolate biscuits before spending a happy hour singing…

  • Deck the Mall

    Deck the Mall

    If you’d like to join us for a little carolling on Saturday 10th December, please drop by the Saddler’s Centre in Walsall at 2pm. The Saddler’s Centre recently reintroduced their public piano in the central area of the shops, right by Walsall Railway Station. We’ll gather there for half an hour of singing and then…

  • Stick-wiggling


    I am delighted to confirm that I have taken up the baton with Great Barr Brass this month – conducting a brass band is a completely new experience to me and I’m very grateful to the band for their faith in my ability to learn and improve as we hit the busy season before Christmas.…

  • Director of Music

    Director of Music

    I’m delighted to announce my appointment and commissioning as Director of Music at St Matthew’s Church, Walsall. I’m looking forward to picking up the reins and working with the music ministry team at church. If you need to get in touch with me there, all the contact details are on the church website:

  • Three years since the rains

    Three years since the rains

    Three years ago today we delivered Noah and the Ark, a primary school musical theatre piece for adult male soloist (Noah), children’s choir, piano and percussion (storm/voice of God). It was a wonderful project to deliver in the church setting, and was performed later in the year to the whole school by Year 2 on…