Tag: Walsall

  • Deck the Mall

    Deck the Mall

    If you’d like to join us for a little carolling on Saturday 10th December, please drop by the Saddler’s Centre in Walsall at 2pm. The Saddler’s Centre recently reintroduced their public piano in the central area of the shops, right by Walsall Railway Station. We’ll gather there for half an hour of singing and then…

  • Director of Music

    Director of Music

    I’m delighted to announce my appointment and commissioning as Director of Music at St Matthew’s Church, Walsall. I’m looking forward to picking up the reins and working with the music ministry team at church. If you need to get in touch with me there, all the contact details are on the church website: https://www.stmatthewswalsall.co.uk