Well, we’ve reached Advent, and I for one am exhausted. Post-lockdown, we always knew this year would be hard but I didn’t expect so much change.
If you’d like to get involved in anything going on between now and Christmas, this is a rough list of what I’m up to and where you can catch up with me:
Sunday 4 December
Blue Christmas, Aldridge Parish Church at 3pm
A Christmas service for those whose dinner tables will require fewer seats this year, and those who find it a tough time.

Sunday 4th December
Walsall Deanery Advent Service, St Gabriel’s Church Fullbrook. 6pm
Thursday 8th December
Walsall Cultural Education Partnership event. New Art Gallery, Walsall. 4-6pm
Saturday 10th December
Deck the Mall – Carolling in the Saddler’s Centre, Walsall. 2pm for half an hour.
Sunday 11th December
Mayor’s Civic Carol Service, St Matthew’s Church, Walsall. 10:45.
Everybody is welcome at this special carol service for the whole town.
Sunday 11th December
Great Barr Brass play carols at Aldridge Transport Museum. 1-3pm. Dress warmly.
Thursday 15th December
Third Thursday Networking, 9-11am (come and go as you please)
The Table, 33 Lower Hall Lane, Walsall. WS1 1RR
Contact me if you’re local and want to know more.
Friday 16th December
Great Barr Brass play carols at The Towers Inn, Great Barr. 7:30 onwards.
Sunday 18th December
Parish Carol Service
St Matthew’s Church, Walsall. 6:30pm
Monday 19th December
Wednesday 21st December
Christmas Eve
Services, including Midnight Communion.
Find out more on the St Matthew’s website: www.stmatthewswalsall.co.uk
Christmas Day
08:45 and 10:45 services at St Matthew’s Church, and then…
A nap.
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